System (ISO9001), Product, and Cement, certification of compliance to the South African National Standard (SANS) specifications. CMACS is a SANAS accredited certification body (C75 & C75b).
IAF has developed an IAFCertSearch Mark that links to the IAF CertSearch database. Certification Bodies, who are accredited by an IAF MLA signatory member Accreditation Body under main scope ISO/IEC 17021-1 and who have an active profile in the IAF CertSearch database will have the ability to include an IAFCertSearch mark on their own website.
Understand the difference between "Accreditation" and "Certifcation"!
A body with the authority to do so, would through the process of "ACCREDITATION", give recognition to another body of its competance to carry out certain tasks. CMA CS is a SANAS accredited Certifibation Body (CB). South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is the National Accreditation Body in South Africa.
Our Business
CMA Certification Services’ (CMACS) prime focus is on ensuring that Quality Management Systems (QMS), Precast Concrete Products and Cement are implemented and manufactured under strict controls, maintaining consistency in quality. We use the South African National Standards (SANS) specifications as the basis for our approach to your QMS and Product Certification needs.
The CMA Mark serves as proof of a quality product and regular assessment of mark holder’s processes to ensure compliance with standards.

Certification Benefits
Producer Confidence... supplying product consistent in quality.
Client confidence... product quality and project success.
"The Mark" of approval...
...ends guesswork and provides visible proof of product quality.
Satisfactory audit process...
...according to industry needs and expectation.
Competent auditors...
...with relevant industry knowledge.
Ability to test...
...product correctly according to the specification.
Regular surveillance audits... ensure compliance with QMS and SANS specifications.
Endorsed by the CMA...
...promoting the use of quality precast concrete products.
Certificate of conformance...
...issued according to the specific SANS specification.
"Mark of Approval"...
...for use on stationary, marketing, and on the certified product.
An important word on certification!
Businesses and manufacturers discover and understand what their quality processes are through certification. Everyone in the business should be aware of the quality processes and should implement and follow them. The quality processes should be documented and improved so that the quality commitment of the business can be shown to the network in which it operates.

The Certification Process

1. Application
There must be a South African National Standards (SANS) specification for your product. Complete the online application form found under the "Application" menu of this website.

2. Assessment Process
An audit date will be set to execute an onsite initial conformity assessment of the business' quality management system (QMS).

3. Product Testing
At the time of the onsite conformity assessment, product will be selected according to the applicable specification for testing. Witness testing will be performed onsite.

4. Non-conformance Correction
Should any non-conformances be raised during the audit, a determined time will be allowed to correct all non-conformances.

5. Approval
After all non-conformances has been cleared approval is passed and certification of conformance issued. Product witness testing and assessment of the QMS, surveillance audits, are made at least once a year and accompanied by full reporting.
Explaining "Conformity Assessment"!
This is the process used to show and prove that a QMS, or product, meets the requirements of the specification applicable. The process and requirements to do a conformity assessment are documented in the form of ISO standards. The CB's conformity assessment is thus guided and measured in terms of the applicable standard:
System Certification – SANS 17021-1:2016 – Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems.
Product Certification – SANS 17065:2012 – Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services.
Cement Certification – SANS 50197-1:2013 – Cement Part 1: Composition, specifications and…conformity criteria for common cements, and SANS 50413-1:2014 – Masonry cement Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria.
Certify Your Product Now!
Click on the button below to get redirected to the certification application form
Our Operational Area
Servicing South Africa and Neighbouring Countries
CMA Certification Services (CMACS) has certified clients across South Africa, including neighbouring countries accepting SANAS accreditation. Scope of certification includes system certification (ISO9001), product certification and cement certification.

CMA Certification Services (Pty) Ltd was registered in 2016 with registration number 2016/103170/07. CMA CS is a SANAS accredited Certification Body with accreditation numbers C75 and C75b.
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